O p e n  A r c h i v e s  I n i t i a t i v e
Keep track of the latest news and events related to the Open Archives Initiative.

News From the OAI Community

Scholarly repository interoperability meeting
Guidelines for encoding identifiers in Dublin Core and IEEE LOM metadata
Google and OAI-PMH Down Under
CiteSeer harvestable by OAI-PMH
Static Respository Specification
mod_oai Project Aims at Optimizing Web Crawling
OLAC Archive on board European Space Agency mission
U-M expands access to hidden electronic resources with OAIster
OAI Access to PubMed Central Records
Third Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative
Guide to Institutional Repository Software
Static Repository Specification
UIUC OAI Registry

DLESE OAI Software
NASA Technical Report Server
Internet Archive
CDL eScholarship Repository
News Archive

Meetings Meetings About the Open Archives Initiative

Third Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative  (February 2004)
4th Open Archives Workshop (September 2003)

3rd Open Archives Workshop (March 2003)

Press Releases

Open Archives Initiative and Project RoMEO Initiate OAI-rights , September 29, 2003
OAI-PMH v.2.0 Release, June 14, 2002

Support for Open Archives Initiative activities has come from the Digital Library Federation, the Coalition for Networked Information, and from National Science Foundation Grant No. IIS-9817416